You want to maximise the value of your projects & successfully transform your organisation

but your teams don't always follow your lead?


Gain serenity by integrating the possibilities of leadership in your projects by being accompanied by L.I.PARTNERS

Caroline Brison

former Head of Culture and Performance, Chèque déjeuner, UP Group

L.I.PARTNERS consultants are professional and inspiring. They are fully committed to fulfilling their commitments and developing projects in line with the strategy and values of our company.

Our Positioning

At the crossroads of Digital, Well-being and Performance, L.I.PARTNERS brings together experts who are leaders in their fields, supporting the transformation of organisations.


Our interventions are inspired by natural cycles to develop team leadership and accelerate project success by generating value that makes a difference for people and organisations.


3 core values (Sharing, Integrity, Inclusion) guide the actions of our consultants and our community of 40 experts and make L.I.PARTNERS a company apart where the demand for sustainable performance is easily combined with the pleasure of working.


Our resources are federated for our clients around 5 strategic areas of activity:

01 Skills & Training
02 Project Leadership & Transformation Management
03 On-site actions & Valuation
04 Inspiration, Audit & Operational Consulting
05 Resources, Recruitment & Transition

01 Skills & Training

Engage the Fulfillment and Professional Serenity of Each of Your Employees in the Service of Collective Performance

Our Training Philosophy serves your performance by creating impact in learning experiences :


  1. Creating Magic through Educational Games

  2. Creating Anchoring through our Accompaniment over time

  3. Creating Adhesion by varying the modalities: Distanciel-Presential mix





  • Integration course
  • Company seminars - Product launches
  • Team Building
  • Pedagogical engineering (business training)
  • Quality system evaluations Training
  • Sales and Leadership School
  • Subjects : Sales / Customer Service / Management / Projects / Behavioural



L.I.PARTNERS is a member of the FFP and has been involved in the OPQF/ISQ quality approach since 1995 in the fields of People Management, Personal Development and Marketing-Sales-Communication.

Qualiopi certified in the "Training Actions" category since 2021

Alexandre LE HELLEY


[email protected]



L.I.PARTNERS has transformed the sales practices of the brand's salespeople by working on their know-how and skills around a course consisting of 3 workshops.


L.I.PARTNERS also designed a dedicated website and an e-learning course to anchor the sales methods of prospecting.


The strong growth of the company leads to regular recruitment of newcomers.


L.I.PARTNERS has created an integration module on negotiation to provide a solid and homogeneous basis for each person, with application exercises on the use of the sales pitch.


In a context where tourism is one of the sectors most severely affected by the crisis, the company's sales representatives are faced with customers who have new objections and the fear of returning to the field has set in.


The aim of this training was to teach them new commercial practices linked to the new offers and to regain their confidence to visit their historical customers and make sales.


The "workshop" is a post-training training tool that promotes anchoring. Workshops are face-to-face training workshops for a group of 6 to 8 employees. Like a play, the workshops combine an organisation in a given context, characters and situations. They are led by a pair of facilitator-coaches and an actor. The short format (0.5 days) takes into account the constraints of availability

02 Project Leadership & Transformation Management 

Creating a future as a possibility for people, for the world, where they can recognise themselves and want to take action to make that world happen.
They enlist themselves in this possibility.



L.I.PARTNERS is based on the work of W. Erhard and C. Jensen, Professor at Harvard Business School about a new paradigm of collective performance which is based on 3 laws :


  1. people's performance is related to their perception of situations

  2. The way we perceive the situation originates in language

  3. Future-oriented language transforms the way situations are seen

And thus create a new favourable context for your transformation project where action already brings success !




  • When there are problems in a project, we don't know where to start, we fix one, another one reappears! "The more things change, the more they stay the same" says the adage.


  • For each project, a future is already written. It includes beliefs, hopes, fears, resignation, cynicism and lessons learned by people through their experiences. Although this future is hardly ever talked about, it is the context in which people try to create change.


  • This notion of the future is instinctive. We know that this is what will happen, whether we can put it into words or not. This is called the default future.




  • Management committee support
  • Digitalisation of the customer experience
  • Project management & federation
  • Agile approach
  • Lencioni model of collective performance
  • Transformation consulting

Antoine JUDE


[email protected]


Nadine Vannarien

Manager, Cofidis, Credit Mutuel CIC Group

L.I.PARTNERS' assets: great availability, simplicity and sincerity in what they say, a well-framed project which has not only enabled the development of the commercial rebound and multi-equipment, but has also given a new lease of life and energy to the consultants.


RENAULT wanted to set up a skills assessment of the network's 8,500 sales and after-sales employees (Directors, Managers, Sales & Service Advisors) in order to define the relevant development plans to support the changes in the automotive distribution professions of tomorrow (digital, customer orientation, etc.).


L.I.PARTNERS assisted RENAULT in :

  • Designing the skills assessment system.
  • Lead the assessment sessions of the 8500 employees.
  • Define the relevant development plans.

Performance improvement / Management committee support


The management committee teams of several European Faiveley Wabtec sites went into detail on each step of the Lencioni model in 2-day workshops.


During these workshops, the ability to work together was strengthened and it was possible to pursue new ambitious goals (linked to real projects)


After each workshop, there was :

  • a collective implementation coaching, with a parallel coaching of a management meeting
  • an individual coaching session with each team member, to reinforce the individual development plan and leadership competence.

03 On-site Actions & Valuation 

Field Action Valuation is an activity that consists of increasing the value of the results of the field action in order to transform possibilities into opportunities.



In order to evolve and grow, companies invest in the development of their staff's skills. Training allows the implementation of actions necessary for the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, as sought by the company.


However, it is common to observe a lack of ROI in its training actions, i.e. a lack of implementation. And thus missing their final goal.


Our on-site actions support organisations in finding the Resources to get into action and implement the learning. Our consultants find the most impactful way to implement the learning with a feedback loop that feeds the strategy


  • Field Coaching

  • Visual Management

  • Implementation of brand commitments

  • Field surveys

Lydia Mazzucco


[email protected]


With L.I.PARTNERS, we have achieved a 24% increase in turnover by assisting the network's counter staff and managers on site to implement the fundamentals of customer relations

Philippe Tournier

Director of Professional Services
La Poste Group


Support for PRO post office teams in developing a sales mindset (sales posture of agents and management sales actions).


The Post Office has embarked on a project to overhaul and develop "professional" areas. This is a project to transform an area initially used for logistical purposes (deposit/collection/sales counter) into a reception and customer relations area, where new services with greater added value can be discovered and used.


L.I.PARTNERS helped La Poste to launch a new stage in its "coté Pro" plan, embodied by the project to support change at the point of sale


Its purpose is to make tangible in the eyes of customers and prospects :

  1. A truly differentiating and recognisable customer experience, the essence of which is to focus on customer satisfaction
  2. Respect for the Pro-Business sales method, which reflects La Poste's desire to focus on professionals and its service-oriented mindset

  3. The advantages associated with the new environment through improved relations and a commercial spirit


Citroën & You project :


Design and deployment of an educational approach for sales outlets to implement the brand's service commitments


L.I.PARTNERS designed and deployed an educational training/coaching approach for the implementation of the commitments and the appropriation of service attitudes in Citroën sales outlets


Deployment of the Citroën & Vous project in 350 sales outlets in France with a satisfaction rate of over 95%.

04 Inspiration, Consulting & Operational Audit

Creating the context for impactful and serene action that enables people, relationships, projects and organisations to flourish and achieve.



We believe that successful organisations of the future will need to be in continuous improvement to link...


  • the evolving expectations of customers in relation to the digitalisation of their shopping experiences
  • processes and team leadership
  • individual and organisational values
  • The development of tomorrow's skills

... to become a company in which teams are inspired and develop a clear and serene vision that engages their employees and customers.


Guided by the values of sharing, community and inclusion, L.I.PARTNERS' mission is to audit, inspire and advise leaders who will impact the world.


  • SalesForce CRM implementation support
  • Operational Excellence Plan
  • Sparring Partnership
  • Blue Ocean Strategy - Creating competitive advantage

  • Values Leadership

  • WVP - Winning Value Propositions

  • Mentoring

  • Implementation of Objective-Based Management

  • Harmonisation of cultures

  • Audit of skills and processes

Franck Bonhomme


[email protected]


L.I.PARTNERS has helped us to put the sales person wherever he or she looks, in a position, duty and focus to prospect


L.I.PARTNERS has enabled us to achieve 27% more margin on a scope of €500M

stéphane GAND

Sales Director INETUM (ex SCC France)


This distance selling credit company is changing its business model by offering mobile phones and insurance. However, the sales force is not keeping up:

  • It does not understand the expansion of the product range and is unable to market it

  • Productivity per hour is declining and so are sales

  • The sales force becomes demotivated

  • Customers are more and more demanding in this market



  • Customer-Salesman-Manager survey to identify gaps in the perception of customer behaviour and value creation
  • Creation of a proprietary sales method
  • Implementation of a sales behaviour alignment system linked to a consulting posture
  • Re-structuring of the sales process from N product sales cycles to 1 sales cycle integrating a global multi-equipment solution

L.I.PARTNERS helped us to motivate the 70 best sales people at RENAULT with a 20% increase in sales and 80% of financing penetration. Their multi-disciplinary teams know how to initiate change and are ROI oriented

Dalila Meziani

Distribution Manager


05 Resources, Recruitment & Transition Missions

Supporting professionals to find the resources to get moving & Create Magic at work



The quality of recruitment has a direct impact on customer satisfaction


  • Like benevolent management, benevolent recruitment consists of adopting an empathetic and positive attitude towards the candidate in order to obtain a constructive and close exchange based on transparency and honesty. This type of recruitment not only allows us to better understand the qualities and abilities of the candidates, but also to promote a positive image of the company.


  • A recruitment interview is above all two people who meet each other, each with a life path, experiences, successes, failures, difficulties, encounters and achievements.


  • Humility and benevolence are essential qualities in the recruitment profession. Knowing how to welcome, put people at ease, adapting one's posture, building confidence, listening without judging and, above all, giving sincere and transparent feedback.


  • Profile assessment

  • Turnkey recruitment

  • Headhunting

  • Placement

  • Employer Brand Consulting

  • Transition Management

  • Assessment Center

  • Interim Management

  • Career assessment

  • Assessment of potential

Régis Benazech


[email protected]



KNAUF is regularly looking for field sales representatives to prospect and manage a customer portfolio.


For the past 10 years, ITC has responded to this demand by implementing a rigorous turnkey recruitment process :



  • Assignment of a consultant, specialised in the building industry and geographically close, to this mission
  • Meeting with the recruiter and analysis of his needs
  • Pre-selection of candidates from the pool and placing of advertisements
  • Convocation of the candidates
  • Psychometric tests
  • Conducting pre-selection interviews
  • Conducting individual interviews
  • Presentation of selected candidates to the recruiter
  • Assistance in defining the integration plan
  • Setting up a 3 or 6 MONTH GUARANTEE depending on the profile


Purpose of the assignment : Sourcing, selection and provision of a resource to support the Christian Dior Couture Customer Service teams during the COVID period.


The profile sought : International Customer Relations Officer at Christian Dior Couture with the following tasks :



  • Handling of level 3 complaint files
  • Management of customer mail
  • Benchmark
  • Updating of processes
  • CRM : support for events, follow-up of call campaigns
  • Management of RGPD files
  • Drafting of new templates Consolidation of weekly and monthly reports for shops and e-commerce

Let's stay connected

Antoine JUDE

Managing Partner

[email protected]
